The Challenge: This was our largest project in the last year of the design program. We were divided into groups, had to come up with a name for our "agency," and create a project and do a presentation for some local agency professionals.
The Process/Solution: After brainstorming, I suggested that we take a look at proposing a book signing/promotional tour that would introduce the large audience of Tom Clancy book fans to Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2 videogame. Tactical shooters like Ghost Recon, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, Operation Flashpoint and ARMA have always been my favorite genre of videogames so this was a big passion project for me.
We selected the old photo dark room as it was the perfect room to turn into our "bunker." I was in charge of the design of the room and borrowed the camo netting and (painfully) tacked it to the ceiling, borrowed a wooden "ammo crate" to put the snacks we were providing in, recorded a loop of the title screen of GR2 and had it playing on a tv in the background, bought camo pattern fabric to cover the table, brought a couple of targets that I had used at a shooting range and hung them, and some other various touch ups to complete the look.
I was also in charge of the proposed limited edition Xbox and had ordered a camo vinyl skin that unfortunately did not arrive in time so I had the concept art ready. I did however have the case ready--an actual ammo crate that I bought at an army surplus store and added labeling to, including creating a GR2 stencil and painting it onto the top.
It was so much work, but incredibly fun. All of the work paid off as we won the competition. I still love those games and cannot wait for ARMA 4 to arrive!