The Challenge: Create a gatefold map that traces the path that the writer took during his trip down the Cape Fear river.
The Process/Solution: The first challenge to overcome was that there wasn't a map that would work for this section of the state. I found a map tool that allowed the colors to be changed, along with what would be shown on the map, etc. I used that tool and made multiple images of the trip's route along the river and stitched them together to form the base. The art director and I worked on the style for the frame & table at the bottom and once that was established I worked to make the map match it. Then I developed the treatment for the route, as in the path color, icons, how to handle stopping points, etc. I looked at road maps as the obvious inspiration there. Next, I plotted the photography for different points along the way and worked with the editor on which were the better selections and if any should be highlighted more than others. The story & photography were fantastic so I was very happy that this piece did it justice.