The Challenge: To create a completely new logo for Campbell University's athletic department/teams, the fighting camels.
The Process/Solution: This was the largest project I undertook as an intern. I started by looking online at different camels to see the shape of their heads/face. My original idea was to use a style inspired by the sort of artwork used on the side of old warplanes, in particular, the eye and mouth. I sketched some different camel heads and then started looking at how to combine them with the style I was looking for. I still have some of the sketches/early work, which are below the final logos.

Below are some of the early sketches. The first three show development of the cartoon-inspired mouth. Below that is a detail development sketch, followed by a very loose idea for a full body that wasn't used.

Next are some early vector versions (I had to scan the prints as I no longer had the files). Different details change through the versions, from the outlines, to the shape of the neck and eyebrows, etc. along with another unused idea for adding the hump (customer request). The bottom two are very close to the final logo, where the basic shape of the head was changed.
UPDATE August 2023: Campbell has moved onto using an updated full body camel as their primary logo. Sad to see mine go, but it had a good run and I'm glad that they replaced it with a great logo--that's all you can ask for as a designer.